
We are all volunteers in this organization, and we are thankful for that. There are many volunteer roles, and we are grateful when folks step up. High school students can also get volunteer credit towards their graduation goals.

Please contact a board member or send an email to volunteer@kirklandorchestra.org about getting involved in any of the following. 

Volunteer Opportunities

  • House crew: house manager plus 1-2 others for dealing with tickets and getting programs into people’s hands  
  • Hospitality: making sure there are yummy baked goods on the refreshment table, in addition to getting coffee ready and plating cookies.   
  • Photography: photographs of the orchestra and soloists, both in rehearsal and performance are vital to our marketing and fundraising efforts.   
  • Advertisement sales: approaching local businesses to sell advertising space in our printed programs and website.  
  • Poster and program design: graphic design and layout for printed materials.  
  • Marketing: hanging posters, adding our concerts to event calendars.  
  • Website team: posting new items, coding new features as needed, fixing bugs.  
  • Stage Manager: coordinating performance logistics, assisting with stage sets and lighting.